It is a common practice for business organizations to utilize repeat business processes. It is important to be able to start quickly with repetitive workflows. For this reason, Microsoft Azure now provides support for templates in Azure Data Factory. Templated setups improve developer productivity along with reducing development time for repeat processes.

The new feature enables a template gallery that has a variety of use-case based templates, data movement templates, SSIS templates or transformation templates that enable hands-on experience building data factory pipelines.

Get started with Azure Data Factory templates

Getting started is simple: click Create pipeline from template on the Overview page.


getting-started-with-templates for Azure Data Factory


or Pipeline from template on the Author page in your data factory.


New pipeline from temaplte


Select any template from the gallery and add the necessary actions.


Select template


User input


It is also possible to create new connections or compute when doing the template inputs.


Create new connections or compute


Clicking on Use this template takes to the validation output that guides through filling in the properties required to run the pipeline.


Template validation


Template functionality also provides the possibility to save existing pipelines as templates.


Save existing template


GIT integration (Azure Dev Ops GIT or GitHub) in the data factory is required to be able to save existing pipelines as templates.


Git integration


The template is saved in the GIT repo under the templates folder.


Template saved in git


Pro Tip: Get deep and immediate insight into the stability of all of your Azure resources.


Template in Git


The template can be seen in the Templates section of the resource explorer.


Template in the repo


The new template is also available in the My templates section in the template gallery.


New template in the my templates section


The newly created template generates two files in the repository – an ARM template and a manifest file. The ARM file contains all the information about the data factory pipeline while the manifest contains the template metadata.

Further reading