Microsoft Azure has integrated the features of Azure HDInsight and Imanis Data with Azure Blob Storage and Data Lake Store to migrate customers faster on cloud and prevent the malicious items enter into the critical data assets. The function of Imanis Data is to provide management software which helps the customers to migrate data and keep it safe as a backup for the big data application. On the other hand, the customers can use open-source code with advanced features of SLA with the help of Azure HDInsight which is a leading fully-managed cloud Apache Hadoop & Spark.

HDInsight is the sole fully managed cloud Hadoop that guarantees the industry level security and flexibility to the users to optimize open source analytics cluster for big data technologies. The effortless transfer the cluster and proper monitoring backed by 99% of SLA are the exclusive features of HDInsight.

Exclusive Features of Imanis Data

Security and proper transfer of the data are the two important needs of the users who are using big data applications these days. Imania Data has successfully addressed the functional and non-functional requirements of the users and the recent update has come up with the following features:

  • Migration of Big Data to Azure HDInsight: Imanis Data gives a liberty to companies to migrate big data workload to HDInsight without takin g tension of the type of Hadoop you’re using.
  • You can archive the compliance and regularity requirements and avail the combined perks of Microsoft Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Store.
  • Test data management is another noteworthy feature that lets you move data to cloud with maximum security while migrating data to QA.
  • You can use both data and metadata of the open-source workload with the help of cloud disaster recovery feature.
  • Scalable and rapid recovery is another benefit which outstands the Imanis data from others.

All the above-mentioned use cases are supported by Imanis Data software architecture and it possesses high-end features like agentless integration with multiple databases and support for parallel data transfer. Imanis Data software offers support petabyte-scale workloads with high-scalable file system while the built-in storage optimization engine comes with global block level deduplication, incremental backups, and compression.

How to Strat with Imanis Data with Azure HDInsight

The first step is the installation of  Imanis Data from Azure marketplace and then you need to configure it like this detailed guide.

azure imanis

Once you install and the Imanis Data, you need to connect it with Azure HDInsight cluster. Follow the process for the successful connection:

  • Imanis Data can be connected to on-premise Hadoop and you can migrate data and metadata to the cloud. Advanced analytics can be run once you move data. Use Hive, HBase, on Azure HDInsight for this purpose.
  • Cloud disaster recovery.
  • Test Data Management.

Joint Webinar on Cloud Migration

In a webinar conducted by Microsoft Azure, the complete process and possible ways were demonstrated by the experts to use the Imanis Data to setup hybrid environment and replication across the region, test management, and other patterns. Look at the pictorial depiction of the entire process which is the simplest demonstration of how Imanis Data on HDInsight and integration with Azure Blob Storage and Data Lake Store let customers transfer data to the cloud without putting it at a security risk.

azure imanis